Heritage offers 84 single rooms (with shared bathrooms and kitchens housing for single adults with a history of homelessness. This community resource provides affordable, high-quality, supervised, and safe housing for residents not wanting, or not able to afford, regular apartment living.
50 of the permanent rooms are set aside for referrals from the New York City Department of Homeless Services. Staff closely monitor building access to the premises, and this housing program also offers a number of supportive services to its residents, including hot meals, on-going assessment and case management, individual and group counseling, peer support and referrals to collateral services. Although this housing can be transitional in nature, there are no specific length-of-stay restrictions.
Single Room Occupancy Housing - Admission Criteria
For the 50 beds in this program under contract with the New York City Department of Homeless Services (DHS), referrals must come from DHS. For the 34 "community" beds in this program, referrals may come from walk-ins, homeless shelters, drug treatment programs, psychiatric centers, etc.
DHS referrals require the submission of an HRA 2010E housing form with supporting
Psychosocial summary, psychiatric assessment and physical examination.
Proof of income (such as award letter for SSI, budget letter for public assistance, or 6 current pay stubs if client is working).
Copy of birth certificate.
Photo ID.
Social Security card